We at Van Ryder Games have a love and passion for games that immerse players. We strive with each and every project to design and create games that deliver unforgettable experiences. We love all kinds of games, but we especially have an affinity for making games that engage and surprise our customers with immersive experiences that start as soon as they open the box.
Our unique visions are brought to life with clear and comprehensive rules, detailed art direction, sensible graphical layout, and high-quality materials production. We aim to deliver consistent quality and high value for our consumers in every product we create.
With games like the award-winning Final Girl, Hostage Negotiator, and Detective: City of Angels, and many more, we at Van Ryder Games continue to focus on making great, unique experiences that are unlike anything else!
Our Team

AJ Porfirio
President & Founder of Van Ryder games. Loves the beach, solo games, and hanging out with VRG fans in our Discord (not necessarily in that order). Always thinking about the next big thing at Van Ryder Games!

Evan Derrick
Creative Director, Vice President, co-designer of Final Girl, and designer of Detective: City of Angels. While he spends his daylight hours making VRG products look “real purdy”, his real passion is in game design and telling stories. There are about a 100 in his head he hopes to get out eventually.

Julie Ahern
One of the founding members of Greenbrier Games, Julie Ahern joined the Van Ryder Games team in 2023 where she led The Revenant Society, & Season 5 GNA projects. Julie has also contributed to the Final Girl series. She is carefully monitored by her 3 cat overlords, except when she escapes to conventions.

Stephanie York
Office Manager/Customer Support. Loves horses, being a wife, mother, and taking care of our incredible VRG customers. Skilled in making sure the office is stocked with fuel her coworkers need to make spectacular games.

Byron Jorjorian
Senior Director of Sales. Byron loves the team and building relationships with our industry partners. Professional Nature photographer for 40+ years. Passionate about board games since childhood. Husband, Father and Grandaddy!

Ryan Jorjorian
Ryan is a tinkerer at heart—whether with board games or machines, he finds passion in creating things people love. When he isn't working on his projects, he can be found reading dozens of books (and probably not finishing them) or hiking with his wife and son.

Mike Martins
Raising 2 humans and a feline in the Great White North, Mike loves spending time outdoors...preferably when temperatures are above freezing. When not outdoors, you'll find him either playing Final Girl or arm-wrestling his family to play one of the many campaign games sitting on his shelf of opportunity.

Scott Beavers
Designer and #GirlDad. While not staring at graphics at 1600% during the day and fawning over typefaces, he spends his time in his garage woodworking and playing bass guitar. He can never turn down a good B horror movie.

Josie Jaede
A big fan of 70s-80s horror / cult films with a personal collection of almost 400 titles, cultivator of indoor jungles (she own a lot of plants), wrangler of three cats and a big fluffy dog, and married to one of the most wonderful people I've ever met (my wife's great, like, seriously.)