For fans of


graphic novel adventures jr.

GNA Jr’s are aimed at new readers and are the perfect introduction into adventure to share with your little ones! Each hardbound book comes separate and contains full color illustrations, instructions to play and is a wonderful self contained adventure to share and experience again and again!

GNA jr features

perfect for young readers

GNA Jr’s are aimed at new readers and are the perfect introduction into adventure to share with your little ones! Each hardbound book comes separate and contains full color illustrations, instructions to play and is a wonderful self contained adventure to share and experience again and again!

easy navigation

GNA Jr’s feature a unique navigation system designed to help new readers access the story. Each story page in every book, has a color coded tab that corresponds to the choices the young readers will make, easing navigation. When a choice is made, readers are guided by a color matched to a shape, driving engagement!

the books

Graphic Novel Adventures Downloads

GNA Downloads

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